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Formations complémentaires

Systems Engineering

National University of Science and technology - Systems Engineering Management plan(SEMP)

2014 à 2016

The aim of education in Systems Engineering is to simply formalize the approach and in doing so, identify new methods and research opportunities similar to the way it occurs in other fields of engineering.Here i was able to contribute towards the systems engineering management plan(SEMP) for new Islamabad international airport.The two years master program also helped me to gain in depth knowledge of the following core courses Systems Engineering Management, System Engineering Principles,System Architecture and Design, System Integration and Validations, Modeling, Simulation & Optimization.

Electrical Engineering

University of Engineering and technology - Electrical Engineering

2009 à 2013

It is a four years bachelors program with specialization in computers.It helped to to develop my skills in different technical fields including computer networking and robotics.

Parcours officiels

IAE Grenoble – Master Management et administration des entreprises – Parcours International Manager – 2017 – Formation Initiale


Anglais - Langue maternelle

Allemand - Notions

Français - Notions

Centres d'intérêt

  • Squash Books Swimming